to construct a garment is to build a home.

h e r
a r c h i v e
s h o w s
p r e s s


calico.whore acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which this work was created, the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation, and their leaders past, present, and emerging. Sovereignty has never been ceded.
a r c h i v e

006  /  compostable one piece suit


[ linen outer, cotton inner, antique assorted buttons, cotton thread and binding ].

a resurfaced piece from the archive, a study of pockets - a pocket continuum. twenty-two pockets to carry each body part. this suit in it’s entirety is one giant pocket for the body connected to a larger cloth, making it a one piece suit. traditional tailoring uses horse hair, wool, beeswax and silk thread in the construction of a suit. this suit has been designed to avoid non-plant based resources and decompose back into the earth once it has served it’s purpose.

the compostable one piece suit can be worn multiple ways; open or enclosed. the pant componant is adjustable from the tuxedo waistband. the sleeves can be detached from the armholes, the collar can be thrown to the back.

[ spot clean or dry clean ].

to place an order, please get in contact via email.