to construct a garment is to build a home.

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a r c h i v e
s h o w s
p r e s s


calico.whore acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which this work was created, the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation, and their leaders past, present, and emerging. Sovereignty has never been ceded.
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storytelling through materiality, portraying the tender relationship between cloth and skin. elevating the sense of self, in order to tell personal stories through one-off pieces. intentional, minimal-waste and low impact practices underpin the creative process. championing a philosophy of making with an eye to the future.

here antiquity meets modernity, a love of both old and new. providing clean, artisanal wearable and non-wearable soft sculpture with a muted colour palette and high focus on textural detail. calico.whore creates liveable containments bound by fabric, where stitches bend and mould to form. framed with the inspiration to create something long-lasting, deliberately composed, and heartfelt — to construct a garment is to build a home.

calico.whore is jacinta lombardozzi, a multidisciplinary fashion-based artist. working in scent, shoes, clothing, object and performance.